Sunday 12 February 2012

"Don't look for it Taylor!"

Another weekend tucked away. I have managed to write 1 1/2 presentations (developmental coordination disorder and feeding difficulties in children with cerebral palsy). I am now in the middle of reading through a policy that needs updating - sort of tedious necessar perhaps.  My plans for a walk in the park with my camera, where scuppered by waking up with severe neck pain, I think it was all the sitting I was doing on staring down at the PC screen.

And in the news Whitney Houston is dead. Somehow very sad, because this is an utter waste of life. There are lots of other things I would say, but they would only be based on knowing the half truth, therefore better not said at all. Of course I was one the fans of her music. Reminds me of my junior school days - school disco etc. There was one tape (in the days when we had tapes) that my cousin left behind an old album "I'm your baby tonight". I listened to that album all through the summer with an intensity that being a teenager affords. And then in my late twenties, my little sister left behind her Whitney Houston greatest hits CD behind at my flat. The "throw down" CD was the soundtrack to my weekend blitz of flat cleaning.

And in the news Luis Suarez apologises for yesterday's events on the football pitch. And yes there are many many more pressing and urgent things happening in the world right now but these two stories have been repeated again and again.

Did I tell you last weekend I also read 'The Revelations' by Alex Preston.  It was an impulsive iTunes purchase having heard the book reviewed on Radio 4.  I have to say, that I was most underwhelmed.  I am not sure that I really thought it was authentic.  I assumed that it was based on the Alpha course and other things related to it but I just did not quite buy it.  I have completed 2 1/2 Alpha courses and I do not think things are like that.  Or rather, I would be rather sad and disappointed if they were.  But I think perhaps, that that is a blog for another day.

So this evening, I am making my 'signature' spaghetti bolognese and watching Planet of the Apes.  It's funny, I found it nothing but very scary when I was a little girl but very interesting now."Don't look for it Taylor! You may not like what you find".  "What will he find there doctor?"..."His destiny". " Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it.".If I had the time I would buy the DVD box set (I am sure it exists) and just spend a weekend watching the whole lot, fascinating.

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