Monday, 12 November 2012


This is now the twelth day of the month of November.

2012 is rushing to a close at speed I cannot appreciate...

What do I have to say about November so far?

Not much - Barack Obama was re-elected for his second term.

I remember this moment 4 years ago in 2008.  I was doing night shifts and then went on to do a study day in central London - buoyed on by the belief that anything was possible!

Currently most of my November energies are directed towards work - I am not so sure that that is a great thing but there seems to be so much of it!

The weekends however - I have managed to get out and walk through a park or two and take pictures.  The autumnal colours are amazing and a sight to behold.  I am not quite sure I have captured it with the pictures I have taken. A combination of over and under exposure - never quite meeting perfection. However I have just been enjoying the feeling of being alive.