Sunday, 30 September 2012

Golden Harvest Moon

September 2012 is over in a few hours.

Do I have any ground-breaking news of my own to contribute?

Not especially...

This month has mostly been about work for me but there have of course been a few nice things.

Twenty years ago it was 1992 and I had just turned 16. I was at secondary school and had just started my 'A' levels: Biology, Chemistry and Physics.  Had a look through my diary from September 1992 - makes for interesting reading...For the most part I cannot make any sense of it. Most of it is written in code form, in the way only a teenage girl can write when she thinks the whole world is just waiting to read her innermost thoughts! All I could ascertain was that I had made a promise - which it seems I could not keep.  It also seems that I went on a biology field trip to Wales - Abergavenny. I barely remember that trip! I also had a penchant for breaking into song, in the form of written text, in the middle of a diary entry. The trials of being a teenage girl...!

10 years ago it was 2002 and I had just turned 26. I was a junior doctor living and working in Portsmouth - my first job outside London and first time living truely away from home. Looking through my diary from Septmber 2002 - is...
Seems I spent much of my time working, writing presentations, studying for exams and complaining about being lonely and tired!

And Golden Harvest moon?

Well, it seems September for me is best happily remembered as a primary and infant school child. September marked the start of the new term - new school clothes, new books and new teachers. Fresh floor polish. September sun. In the infant school we used to sing Golden Harvest Moon. I have Googled this time and time again and it does not seem to come up as 'lyrics for a children's song'. I remember...
"Golden Harvest Moon, shining in September
......................................................... remember
When I go to bed, I can see you shining"

Not much of a memory it seems...